We re-opened Ready, Set, Grow on May 4, 2020.

We are following all the CDC guidelines for childcare centers.

We have changed our hours to 7:00-5:00 for the months of June and July.  We will return to our hours of 6:30-6:00 in August 2020.  We are using the extra time to sanitize and get in a good routine of what has to be done to keep us all safe. 

Parents will sign a Covid-19 public health emergency special program attendance acknowledgment and disclosure form for their child to attend Ready, Set, Grow. Our teachers will also be signing the same form.

Our drop off is a little different.  We will check your child’s temperature before entering the classroom. We then have them remove their home shoes and leave them on their name in the office.  They then go to their classroom and put on their “school shoes” and wash their hands. These shoes are sanitized at the end of each day. Parents will sign their child in with a pen they bring from home.

Parents will sign an authorization weekly for their child to be able to use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. Hand sanitizer is available on the sign in table and inside the center.

Our children’s main job is to be “Germ fighters”.  That is their super power to help keep us all safe from the virus.

The children put the items they are using in a “Yuck” bucket so they can be sanitized before another child uses them.  We also have a cleaning schedule that we do 4 times during the day.

We are not allowing anyone who is not essential to our operation in the center at this time.

 At this time, we are giving tours after hours and masks must be worn.

Our goal is always to keep our children, families and staff healthy and safe.

We have been on many webinars to stay on top of these mandates and changes with this pandemic.  Jean was even interviewed by channel 33/40 news.  Click here to see the interview.
